Dean Hall HVAC Upgrade
A mechanical system upgrade for Arkansas Tech University's Dean Hall
Arkansas Tech University's Dean Hall was experiencing operational issues because of aged HVAC equipment. ATU engaged Insight Engineering for assistance with a comprehensive mechanical systems upgrade.
Insight's team performed a field survey to investigate the equipment's operation and determine the best plan for replacement. The existing HVAC systems consisted of a water cooled chiller, cooling tower, heating water boiler, pumps, four pipe fan coil units, dedicated ventilation air handling units and associated piping, ductwork, and appurtenances. All of the equipment had reached the end of its useful life and was in need of replacement.
The upgraded system design meets current ASHRAE Recommendations for Reducing Airborne Infectious Aerosol Exposure and improves operational efficiency. Equipment replacements focused on cost effective and energy efficient equipment that will meet the long-term needs of building occupants. To minimize impact on the fully operational classroom building, the chiller will be replaced during the heating season and the boiler will be replaced during a break in classes. This strategy adds cost savings to the project by eliminating the need for temporary heating and cooling.
Project Details
Tons Chilled Water Capacity
Completion Date
Project Location